Tutte le menzogne occidentali emergono ora, seppure a fatica. Usa Israele, Francia, Gran Bretagna, Turchia, si muovono ora, usando i curdi e i tagliatori di gole di Daesh, per riaprire lo scontro contro Damasco, e contro Iran e Russia. Giulietto Chiesa intervista il fotoreporter e documentarista Giorgio Bianchi per Pandora TV. ---------- Aiutaci ad arrivare a 10mila abbonati al canale YouTube e diventeremo il centro di gravità permanente della conoscenza: http://www.youtube.com/PandoraTvChann… Oppure aiutaci con una donazione: http://www.paypal.me/informazionelibera Altri metodi: http://pandoratv.it/sostienici/ Abbonamento ARIA 2 € al mese Abbonamento TERRA 5 € al mese Abbonamento ACQUA 10 € al mese Abbonamento FUOCO 20 € al mese
Read more- L’Uruguay in piazza - Bolivia: Seggi e tribunali elettorali in fiamme - Trump toglie le sanzioni alla Turchia - Brexit: i tempi si dilatano -------------- Aiutaci a raccogliere 60.000 euro e continueremo ad aiutarti a cercare la verità. Indicazioni al link 👉 :http://pandoratv.it/sostienici/ 🎯 Bonifico bancario: IBAN IT82P0100504800000000006342, intestato ad Associazione Democrazia nella Comunicazione 🎯 PostePay: 5333 1710 8384 9659, intestata a Giulietto Chiesa Cod. Fisc. CHS GTT 40P04 A052R 🎯 PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr SOSTIENICI perché la libertà non è gratis. _ Web: 🎯 http://pandoratv.it Facebook: 🎯 https://www.facebook.com/PANDORATV.IT/ 🎯 https://www.facebook.com/giuliettochi… Instagram: 🎯 https://www.instagram.com/pandora.tv/ 🎯 https://www.instagram.com/giulietto.chiesa Twitter: 🎯 https://twitter.com/PandoraTV_it 🎯 https://twitter.com/GiuliettoChiesa Telegram: 🎯 https://t.me/News_PandoraTV 🎯 https://t.me/pandoratv_it
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Read moreSubtitles in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Danish, Dutch [Select the subtitle language: Click the Settings icon at the bottom of the video; Click on Subtitles; Click Machine Translation; Select a language] – NATO was born from the Bomb – Yugoslavia: the founding war of the new NATO – NATO expansion in the East towards […]
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Read moreThe speed of the events of the last few hours makes us fear the worst. On the one hand, the accuses of Theresa May against Vladimir Putin; on the other hand, the sudden replacement of Rex Tillerson with the “hawk” Mike Pompeo. All of this just before the presidential elections in Russia, while the Syrian […]
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Read moreDonald Trump speaks to the deeply rooted Americans that brought him victory in the language this kind of America wants to hear. A lot can be said about him, except that he is joking. The real question is, where is he aiming at with the extreme choices he is imposing and the people he is […]
Read moreWe are the witnesses of an unprecedented event, the attempt of all the Western media to falsify what’s happening in Aleppo. We see on television all the protesters in Paris and Berlin, feeling outraged by the Assad government, his siege that has the bloodthirsty Putin’s government support, but what is most noteworthy is the fact […]
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